Dartington Hypnosis was created by Lead Hypnotherapist Simon Manley (D.Hyp) to provide hypnosis and hypnotherapy not just in Devon but all around the globe!
“There comes a point in all our lives where something just doesn’t quite seem right. We can’t put our finger on the issue and need an emotional detox or MOT check on our mental health!”
If you have an issue which you would like to overcome then contact us and let’s discuss how we can help you live your best life!
We are based in Dartington, Devon UK and we can help you in many ways. Be it face to face or online we have solutions to suit all! You can visit us or we can visit you at your home, office etc, and even offer help on-line using video call technology! Ask about our Zoom calls and how they work anywhere in the world!!

I am a fully qualified hypnotherapist and a member of the 3 main governing bodies of hypnotherapy in the UK – the GHR, GHSC and CHNC.
Whilst at secondary school I became interested in hypnosis after I saw a hypnosis stage show and have been fascinated in ‘how it works’ ever since!
When my curiosity is engaged I am the kind of person that must find out how it works and will keep on learning until there is no more to learn!!
During my varied career I have always worked in the customer service and sales management sector and at one point was the Regional Sales Director for the UK’s largest home improvement companies.
I noticed early on that techniques used in sales are similar to those used in hypnosis.
Sadly I suffered, as many people do, a breakdown caused by stress and long hours of work. When I finally acknowledged that this was the case I turned to hypnotherapy for help! Hypnotherapy helped me make a swift and full recovery and I realised that helping others in the same waywas the way forward for me.
“It’s all about timing”. Everything seemed to fall into place and I began studying how to become a professional Hypnotherapist as a career and not just as an interesting hobby!
So now I am all about reaching out to people with similar issues and ‘paying it forward’ as the saying goes to help others with their needless stresses, anxieties and other issues that lead to a breakdown as he had!
Aside from hypnosis, I have many other varied interests. In former ‘incarnations’ I have been (and still am!) a professional musician, leader and musical director of many bands, orchestras in theatres etc. Amongst the instruments I play are piano, brass and percussion. I also have an interest in magic too (which is partly why I went to that hypnosis show as a kid!) and I love to entertain people with the odd trick here and there!
I am a big guy with a big heart underneath and once you get to know me you will be amazed at how I can help you overcome your issues before they get out of control.