Kinetic Shift is not just a technique but a complete way of working with Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. It was developed over many years by its creator and my mentor, Karl Smith. Karl is regarded as one of the leading trainers around the globe and teaches Kinetic Shift because it has been proven to achieve rapid and long lasting results in clients over and over again!
Kinetic Shift rapidly identifies any issues that you may or may not be aware of and then uses a language that your subconcious understands more easily. Our subconcious mind does not communicate in words or language as we know it. Instead it uses it’s own complex system of colours, electrical impulses and algorithms which it then translates into our spoken language.
Put simply, Kinetic Shift goes back to using these colours and algorithms and communicates more directly with your subconcious. This way of working has been proven to get amazing change results at a neural level unlike many other ‘talking therapies’ out there.

SO …Find out how you can achieve rapid and long lasting results.
As an accredited Kinetic Shift Practitioner, discover how this amazing technique will bring life changing differences in YOU!